Latest news and press releases.

CSIR and TIA Join Forces to Support SMMES in the Fight Against COVID-19 Using Television White Spaces Technology
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is an increased focus on the socio-economic benefits of broadband, including providing channels to distribute education services; enable e-governance services, including health
data analytics; and provide entertainment during a period when at least a third of the world is under different levels of lockdown.

CSIR and TIA Join Forces to Support SMME’s to COVID-19
For over a decade, a discussion on broadband always included a quote from the World Bank “…an increase in 10% broadband penetration would increase GDP per capita by 1%”.

Morai uses emergency spectrum for TV white space connectivity
Morai Solutions has been assigned temporary radio frequency spectrum by the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) to assist in the provision of COVID-19 affordable and reliable data access to
rural communities during this period of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Morai Solutions to roll out rural TV white-spaces network
Morai Solutions, one of three companies to be awarded temporary access to radio frequency spectrum to deploy television white-spaces (TVWS) networks during the Covid-19 pandemic, plans to build access infrastructure
using the technology in the rural Eastern Cape.

Emergency spectrum from Icasa: Here’s who’s getting what
Communications regulator Icasa has assigned emergency temporary spectrum to telecommunications operators to deal with network demand during the Covid-19 crisis.

Icasa may loosen spectrum regulations over coronavirus
Communications regulator Icasa is “engaging the sector on possible ways of radio frequency spectrum relief” during the national state of disaster declared by President Cyril Ramaphosa over the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Pre-commercial TV white space projects take off in SA
Local broadband technology solutions provider Indigo Broadband is working with telecoms regulator the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
to drive pre-commercial TV white space (TVWS) projects in SA.